Triple the storage!

Fred Oliveira on October 30, 2007, Comments (7)

Early morning, and we come bearing good news: we just tripled the storage limits on all plans, meaning you can now share triple the amount of project files with your co-workers or friends. The unlimited plan got upgraded to a hefty 25GB for those heavy lifting projects, and the others got similarly pumped values. Have a look at the list below for the new storage:

  • Free: 15MB
  • Personal: 300MB
  • Startup: 1.5GB
  • Professional: 6GB
  • Unlimited: 25GB

This is bound to be good news for those of you who were maxing out space with big files. Enjoy! There’s a few more updates coming very soon (including some features we hinted on a while ago).

Write more, write easier

Sócrates Vicente on October 25, 2007, Comments (1)

Don’t know anything about textile? Wanted to have rich text descriptions and notes without going through a textile tag list or typing all those tags?

Don’t worry anymore, we’ve added some textile helpers wherever textile is accepted, users just have to click and write!

With these new helpers you can easily write and enrich your text with bolds, heads, lists and more without even knowing a single tag, making your text more attractive and easier to read.

New PayPal payment options

Sócrates Vicente on October 17, 2007, Comments Off

Monthly payments aren’t practical for you? Tired of adding funds to your Paypal account every month? Now you can choose whether to pay one, six or twelve months.

After receiving feedback regarding this issue, we decided to increase the options of Paypal payments, allowing users to pay several months in a single payment. Users have now two more payment options: six and twelve months.

But that’s not all, there’s more to it. If you decide to pay a whole year in advance, we give you the last month for free!

Project archiving

Sócrates Vicente on October 15, 2007, Comments Off

For those of you who haven’t noticed, users with paid subscriptions should now be able to archive projects they’re no longer using.

With this new feature users will no longer have to delete projects once the maximum number is reached, given that only active ones will count for the limit. This will allow the archival of finished projects for future reference or frozen ones for later re-opening.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.