On slow launching

Fred Oliveira on September 20, 2006, Comments (3)

Yesterday I posted an article on our main weblog that talks about some of the reasons behind goplan’s slow launch, and about the benefits of taking things easy.

We are fans of the “release early, release often” model of agile development, and live by it. Small numbers means measurable feedback and quick response. By limiting ourselves to around 250 users for the first week, we managed to get the right feedback and act upon it, by releasing daily updates to our feature set and fixing the issues we encountered along the way. That made people happy, and one happy planner beats a few thousand unsatisfied users.

Click here to read the whole article.


hey guys…product looks great. does it have a time tracking tool built in? if not, what do you suggest as a companion product to track time?

Where can I get an invite to use Goplan?

Why the use of .ORG? This is a for-profit web application isn’t it?

Is it legal to use .ORG in a for-profit company?

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