Ready for Internet Explorer 7

Fred Oliveira on October 7, 2006, Comments (3)

A couple of weeks ago we posted about our support for Internet Explorer and promised to work on it because even though we prefer features to hacking support for browsers, we can’t deny the fact that most of you guys work with clients who don’t know better.

Anyway, as you may know, the Internet Explorer 7 team has announced that the new browser will be launched officially during the current month of October, so we ramped up the effort to support it, and a few hours later, we’re done.

In the above screenshot you can see Goplan running on the new Internet Explorer 7 (under Vista), but support for older browser versions (we focused on IE6, anything lower is a little too old) is included as well. This new update will be rolled into the live servers in a couple of days, so keep your eyes open.

Technicalities: For those wondering about specifics, adding support for IE consisted of hacking our way through the browser’s hasLayout problems with floats, and adding a workaround for IE’s issue with form submission on multipart forms.


Nice. Now may I get an invite? : )

Under XP the site still looks funky in IE 7 RC1 and IE 6.

Maybe it’s a setting I have?

It wasn’t updated on the servers yet. You’ll notice when it is ;)

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