Calling all developers

Fred Oliveira on November 22, 2006, Comments Off

With the opening of the Sandbox, we finally have a test system for all developers out there who want to build productivity tools on top of Goplan. We have a SOAP-based API ready for you, and a REST-api coming up soon. You can use the SOAP API today to get cranking on some really cool stuff!

Starting points

We set up a developer wiki at, with reference for the SOAP API, code samples and a couple of already built applications. By using the API, you’ll be able to tap into all of the Goplan functionality and develop tools (free or commercial - drop us an email if you’re thinking about the latter) to help people and teams manage their projects on top of our software.

The wiki has all the information you need to get started, so feel free to create a user for yourself and start contributing - we’ll be showcasing the best contributions everywhere with Goplan itself. Remember to use the sandbox server to test your code, and go creative!

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