Upcoming features, Documentation, Wiki
Those of you who’ve been waiting to hear about what we have planned for future updates to Goplan, smile! We’ve just opened the Goplan documentation wiki, which includes our product roadmap, as well as the beginnings of end-user documentation.
Cut to the chase - Upcoming features!
You can see everything in detail on the wiki, but here are the highlights of what’s coming. We’ve been listening to the feedback you all sent in through emails, comments, blog posts and in the forums. Here’s what’s on the plan based on that:
- Enhanced dashboard - We’ll be redesigning our dashboard so that the information actually makes sense if you run a lot of projects.
- Company scope - Allowing users to create company-centric spaces for projects, with logo and color customizations.
- Backing up - Backing up, exporting and archiving projects
- Project templates - A way for people to set-up project templates. Example: if you’re a webdesign firm with a specific process, creating a template with preset task lists, etc should be simple.
- File versioning - Storing several versions of files. This is particularly important for users who keep updating certain files in their projects
- Full feeds - Showing full information in RSS feeds, so instead of “Ticket created” you’d see the whole text for the ticket in the RSS file itself
These are just a few of the several things we have on the slate. Some aren’t going to be easy and will take some time, but we want to get this list out there so you know what we’re working on.
Why make the roadmap public
Some people will wonder why we’ve decided to open our product roadmap considering this is a “closed” source project with several competitors out there. There are several reasons:
One, we want to make sure people know we haven’t stopped working on this product. We started it because we needed a collaboration solution, and that need didn’t just fly away - we want to make it kick ass for everyone (that’s us and you).
Two, we live and breathe feedback - its the main ingredient to a successful product. As everything we’ve done lately, the planned feature list is up for discussion. We want to know what to do first, what we’ve missed, and how to best serve you.
Three, we want you to be as excited as we are - and by putting this out there we’re pretty much committing ourselves to build what we planned. This way it’s out there and we need to get cranking.
About the wiki and documentation
Finally, also on the wiki is the start of end-user documentation (there’s already a lot of documentation for those of you who want to use the Goplan API). We think Goplan’s easy to figure out on its own, but we know its comforting to know there’s actually written documentation just in case. We’ll be sharing some tips and tricks, use cases and other helpful bits to it.
That’s it! Long post, sorry guys. Go through the Wiki, keep an eye on the forums (there’s some interesting discussions going on) and most importantly, enjoy!
I have been using basecamp with clients and have signed up for your service to give it a test-drive.
I didn’t find everything I need but seeing that you are still working on things then I am excited about the possibility of this product growing to suit my needs in future.
Smart move making your roadmap public, kudos to you!
-Joshua Hodge
Comment by Joshua Hodge — May 15, 2007 @ 4:45 am