Coming soon, customization!

Fred Oliveira on May 17, 2007, Comments (14)

There’s a lot of updates coming down the pipe soon - if you haven’t seen this post and our roadmap on the wiki, have a look now -, but we’d like to talk about some of the future possibilities for those of you who want to customize Goplan (particularly the Goplan UI).

Although quite a lot of people seem pretty happy with our UI (which is great), I can’t stop thinking that the green must shock a few of you - so we’ve been thinking about ways to allow users to customize how Goplan looks. So we’ve done a few changes and voilá, theme support. Here’s a first theme, easier on the eyes, built with around 20 lines of CSS:

We’re thinking about the possibility of having a series of pre-made UI color choices, and also allowing you to customize your own CSS. We’ll probably make a couple of follow-up posts about other features coming soon. Keep an eye out.


hey guys,

i love the app and just signed up for the personal plan :D
the green ui is ok, but i am dying to know when the black/grey one is coming on??

please add that ui-customizing feature a.s.a.p :D

best regards from germany, torben

Hey Guys,

Great product and I look forward to watching it grow. I just signed up for my paid Startup subscription today.

I wanted to mention that after a day of use, and running into certain issues, I read many of the forum posts about bugs and feature requests. I see that nearly all of the issues I encountered were discussed there, for example, clicking a task name engages the “move” function rather than the “view” function, and having to add users over and over again. I don’t see either of these issues in your roadmap so I thought I’d just point them out again.

Keep the great software coming!

where is the theme/css support mentioned last year? The typefaces aren’t rendering correctly in firefox or ie, they’re bold and in italics and are not legible. Don’t have this problem anywhere else except on the service i just paid for. One who’s structure is so rigid it hurts.

please add css functionality asap. or at least give us a reason why it’s not here yet.



the post up top was MAY 17th! It’s been almost a year…cmon..


I am sure lots of people like the green, but its the first thing I want to change… I keep looking around trying to find the settings to switch the green, figuring that certainly this has to be there! Now I see this post from a year ago… doh…

Definitely would love to see this.

any updates on this? I´m not having troubles with the green - it´s the icons which make me suffer … without the possibility to change this, it doesn´t make sense to use goplan for us.

Hey Patrickk: we’ve already added color scheme updates to Goplan. Icon changes on the other hand, were not in the plans. Can you give me a little more detail about what you may want to change about the icons? Thanks!

on “themes”: if I´m not missing something, the only thing which changes is the background (from green to dark grey). that´s definietly not a “theme”.

on “icons”: basically, every projectmanagement-system looks like basecamp somehow. some look better, others are worse.
to be more specific: why do you need an icon for everything? does the word “notes” really need an icon? what for? moreover, it seems that you just copied some available icons - they just don´t fit.

solutions: either skip the icons or integrate them better (coherent color scheme for icons, grid for icons, coherent visual icons-style, …).

besides all that, the vertical aligning of the icons is wrong (at least with firefox 3). but that seems to be a common problem …


Patrick: great thoughts. Yeah, the theme support we have is the necessary groundwork for deeper changes, so rest assured we’re working on it. About icons, we’ll definitely give your thoughts some thinking and make a few changes. Wish I could show you screengrabs from something we’re working on that I think you’d like given your hints at visual simplicity. Keep an eye out. Thanks for commenting!

fred: thanks for the quick reply. just drop me an email (with your screengrabs) and I´ll send you my thoughts …

I must say - the claim that this lackluster alternative coloration should be considered “customization” is almost criminal. You really can’t be serious. Worse yet, this was over a year ago…and still no customization to show for it at all. Is white labeling on the roadmap, even for an extra fee?

Did you read the recent posts about Goplan 2, the beta, customization on there, and seen the screenshots? Yes, white labeling is in Goplan 2 - I think you’ll like it, check out the newer posts here and drop us an email if you want to be in the beta for the new 2.0.

Looks like you stopped making updates months ago and are now just telling everyone to wait for this “Goplan2″. 90% of the updates promised in the forum were never released…you going to do the same with “GoPlan 2″? It is just something to keep people from complaining about current version?

We have indeed stopped adding features to Goplan (v1) months ago, although we have done quite a bunch tweaks to it in the meantime. And no, GP2 is not something to keep people from complaining - I think people should complain if they have the right to. By being an ass you’re not really helpful. At this stage with beta testing GP2 we’re not looking for the kind of “feedback” you are providing.

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