A templating solution

Tiago Macedo on June 10, 2007, Comments (13)

We’ve mentioned before that our clients have project templating needs. We’ve also mentioned that we’re working on it.

But while we’re working on building the features mentioned in the roadmap, we wouldn’t want to leave our users without a functionality that would make their work easier. So we’ve come up with a small desktop application that uses the Goplan Developer API to achieve this:

Goplan Templater


[...] the release of Goplan Templater we have made a few changes to our [...]


When I try to use this I get a “nested exception is: … connection refused”.

Is this something I need to sort out with my companies firewall settings in order for it to work?




You shouldn’t get any connection refused errors. That is most likely a firewall issue.

Do you use a proxy for HTTP traffic?

Tiago Macedo

Hi Tiago,

Yes, we do use a proxy for HTTP traffic. What do I need to request re the settings in order for the API to work?



Hi Ronnie,

You need to change the start script to include the proxy configuration.

You can read about it here:

(I updated it with this information)

Tiago Macedo

Hi Tiago,

This has gotten me a little further but the error is now “(407)Proxy authorisation required”. I have spoken to our IT people who have tried a few additional parameters to the script but without success. They have asked me to ask you if the script supports authorisation?

Thanks for your help so far,



Have you actually tested this? I have now tried all windows and mac options from different locations and none work. I am holding back from subscribing until I have some form of templater in place. I was intending to use GoPlan for work and subscribe to the full $100 a month plan but am now having second thoughts given the amount of time and hassle I’ve had trying to get this templater to work.

I would appreciate some response in terms of both getting this to work and in the implementation of templating within Goplan itself.


Hey there,

I haven’t looked yet into the proxy authorization issue you’re having.

I have tested the application on several platforms and haven’t experienced those issues.

As far as getting this to work, make sure that:
- You’re using your email in the username field (your email is your Goplan username)
- Both projects exist and have the same enabled features

We plan on getting a templating solution within Goplan itself and this approach is only intended as a temporary solution.

Tiago Macedo

Hi Tiago,

The proxy thing is a seperate issue. I have tried it outside the proxy on a windows machine and on an intel and non-intel mac. The error on the intel mc and windows machine is “Processing instructions are not allowed within SOAP messages.”

I’ve tried to get it to work with my current free plan and with the demo account.

I didnt know that both projects had to already exist. That seems odd. So, you are saying that the new project needs to be created blank first before running the templater? Still, I have just tried that and am getting the above error.



I’m using right now on the demo account. I’m duplicating the green_house project (keep in mind that that is an alias) into the green_house_copy project.

Everything seemed to work correctly. You are using the aliases for the projects in the templater aren’t you?

Tiago Macedo


Got it working now! Didnt know that it was the alias name which had to be put in. How can I see the alias once a project has been created?

Thanks for your help on this.



I should have been more explicit about it in the first place. You can see the project alias in the URL of each project.

Tiago Macedo

There are new builds available for this application.

It is required due to a small API update.

Tiago Macedo

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