Revisiting the performance issues

Tiago Macedo on September 5, 2007, Comments (1)

Engine Yard

Following our performance issues and complaints from several Goplan users, we’ve decided to move Goplan away from EC2 into Engine Yard‘s new cluster.

Why are we moving?

We’re moving because we believe we can serve you better by doing so. Engine Yard will provide us with a better, more reliable and higher performance service.

The technical bit:

Goplan users will greatly benefit from the hardware load balancers that Engine Yard uses in their cluster, this makes a huge difference for HTTPS connections. Having a good shared disk infrastructure will also allow us to make some architectural changes that will improve the overall responsiveness of the application.

Does this mean we’re dropping Amazon Web Services?

No, we’ll continue using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) for the file storage and we plan on using EC2 for other projects. Just not for Goplan (see the technical bit above).

When will this happen?

The move will occur during the next Sunday (September 9th) but we’ll give you an update with a timeframe as Goplan will have to be offline for a few hours.

We’re trying to be as open as possible about this so feel free to ask any questions in the comments or in the forum.


[...] mentioned before, Goplan will be down next Sunday (September [...]

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