Goplan has moved

Fred Oliveira on September 9, 2007, Comments Off

Engine Yard

As per our previous announcements, we’ve just completed moving Goplan to new servers at Engine Yard. The move will result in a noticeable performance increase, particularly for those of you using SSL with paid accounts - we already did a few internal tests and we were quite pleasantly surprised with the access speeds, which means hopefully you will be too.

The move took a little less time than we anticipated, and DNS should be propagating now - which means the next time you see the Goplan login screen, you’ll be looking at the brand new servers. As Tiago mentioned in a previous post, we’re keeping with the best of two worlds by keeping our automated backup solution to Amazon’s S3 (which means your data is always secure and available) and moving the main server instances to a stable managed solution still scaleable to fit our needs. So these are great news.

All this being said, enjoy the new Goplan speeds and as always, we’re looking for your feedback - so if you have any, leave a comment or send our support team an email.

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