Stability Updates

Tiago Macedo on May 20, 2008, Comments (7)

It’s very likely that in the past few weeks you have seen the “Goplan isn’t feeling too well” screen a few times. We want to let you know that while we’re building the new Goplan, we haven’t given up on the current version.

So this issue is fixed, please let us know if you’re still having any issues.


Can we have a post on what you’re working, dates when we can expect to see features rolled out, a date for a beta of the “new” goplan?

I think that a lot of users are getting very frustrated with the lack of updates. 4 blog posts in 4 months doesn’t really cut it I don’t think.

I like goplan so far, but I’m not convinced that you are all that committed to it. I hope I’m very wrong but it’s hard to see your commitment when the blog and forum are in frequently updated

Hey people.
I was just trying out this cool app. But I was missing some functionalities…so I decided to stick to my free account for now. Reading through the comments you said three to four months for the next release - this was in feb. And now I read end of July. Hmmm I really hope that you will dazzle us.

It might be a good idea to keep people in the loop. A maybe a teaser here and there - heck it could even be a screendump of some of the new features.

Anyways, goodluck - Look forward to the next release before I commit.

I have to echo Chris Basey’s comments. I’d really like to be able to try a beta, or view Camtasia videos or screenshots or SOMETHING to see what’s up. So many months have gone by without the simplest usability improvements. One example irritant: I still can’t click on a task title to view or edit it. I have to slide my mouse 8 inches to the right. You already have bullets to the left of every item-use those for sorting.

Even if you have a closed beta going, just telling the community that there is one would be a positive step that would indicate progress.


Guys, in the “in the work” stuff, do you have support for Harvest included?? That’d be really awesome! :D

Can’t wait to what you guys have in the works :)

Any updates? Echoing A. Cogan, it would really help to see some screen shots or something. Proof of good things to come will keep us coming back. :)

Bueller? Bueller?

Is this thing on?

Something, anything at all would be good. Just proof that this project isn’t dead. If you have no intentions of doing anything then a small blog post telling us that you have put it on hold would be good. Perhaps not charging people for it until a new version is out?

Very very poor. Awful communication. No blog posts, no comments.

How’s Totspot going?

John, you’re absolutely right. We’ve been doing a really poor job of keeping you guys up to date with information on what we’re working on. Truth is we are hard at work on the new version of Goplan. It does pack a few new things - although at this point the UI is unchanged (trust me, as the designer here, I won’t let that be the true when we release).

I do promise you this. Today, or tomorrow worst case scenario, we’ll do a big post detailing what we’re working on. I’m still unsure about screenshots, but we’ll give you all the details you need. And we’ll do a better job at communicating in the future. Again, my apologies, and keep an eye out for the post.

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