Goplan 2: coming May 15!

Fred Oliveira on April 29, 2009, Comments (35)

gprelease You were waiting for a definitive date, and here it is. Goplan 2 will be officially launched to the public on May 15. That means that in about 2 weeks you’ll be migrating to a much improved project management solution. We’re very excited about finally being able to show everyone the result of our recent months of work.

In the coming two weeks we’ll be working on a series of videos showcasing the new functionality and some of the hidden features we haven’t mentioned on the blog yet. We’ll also start talking about some of the other exciting things we have lined up for post-release - particularly integrating with other applications and (you may have guessed it) an iPhone application. We’re excited, and we hope you are too! Look for more posts very soon!


Yay!! I just can’t wait :D

Keep it up guys. I’m stoked ’bout the iPhone throw down. I’m eager to test this new v2 out. I just have a strange feeling it will win me over from others.

That’s what I’m talking about. Now was that so hard? Great job, Can’t wait to sign up!!! This should make running my business much more organized. Good by job jackets!

excellent!!! :D
keep up the good work! :(

Is the iphone app being released on the 15th as well…or is that later down the road?

I’d like to know about the iPhone app also.

Hi Cutter, Hi Taylor!

the iPhone app will be available later. Right now we’re focused and aimed to the best launch possible of the main product. Once we have the launch sorted out, we’ll get a fair amount of people working on the iPhone app to make sure it is launched as soon as possible.

We’re sure you’ll love the iPhone app too :)

“In the coming two weeks we’ll be working on a series of videos…”

Can anybody point me to these?

just one more night :)

One more night … though I am a bit said because they never opened up a beta run for people … at least I was not notified. :(

Well, it’s the 15th over here in the UK, no sign of the new plans???

When will we know its full steam ahead?



still waiting… ;-)

still waiting…

the world is waiting.

You’re running out of time… quickly.

Waiting patiently…..ok…you guys ready yet? :-)

I’m dying over here…

My team can’t wait for GoPlan2! - Waiting, sitting, wishing…

Wasn’t it supposed to be available today?

Just for info,
from their twitter page:

I’ve checked my goplan account like 300 times at least today :(
Still waiting…

I’ve checked my goplan account like 301 times at least today :(
Still waiting…

I’ve checked my goplan account like 302 times at least today :(
Still waiting…

We haven’t seen any videos as promised, and it seems like you’re behind on unveiling v2.0 too. Can you take 30 seconds and tell your customers what’s up?

I’ve been staying with GoPlan only because the v2.0 upgrade was around the corner - but with these delays I’ve got no choice but to begin looking elsewhere for project management. The current version is a Basecamp clone, and I’m not much for Basecamp. :\

What are you kidding, GoPlan1 is better than Basecamp, hold your horses!

We’re just waiting on the videos to stop encoding so the new homepage makes sense. Here’s a quick hint:

I also awaiting for update. Will it be delayed? :P
I want to get all my task for all projects in a single page. Right now I’m tired of checking each projects.

Hopefully goplan 2 really released today!

Heh, well at least the Goplan Logo on the blog has changed… I’m guessing (and hoping) it’ll take the the entire weekend and GP2 will be running by monday morning.

Nice video Fred… I wanna see (and try) the new “customer” and users functionality though… That’s my main issue with GP1…

This v2.0 update seems like vaporware at this point - we got a launch date only after forcing the issue and not only is it missed, but there’s no word at all…kind of like the boy who cried wolf at this point.

This ActionMethod Online app ( looks like a cool alternative - they have a lot of new features, an iPhone app, even an Adobe AIR app.

Video looks great btw, but weren’t these promised weeks ago? Any update on the actual launch?

Geez - As far as I am concerned if they launched V2.0 by the end of the weekend it was on time for such a major upgrade. I love how some of you act as if you are owed something. I would much rather kick back let them launch it right than whine like a 2 year old about jumping ship.

Vaporware… after all the updates and VERY clear and plentiful communication I think it was made pretty clear that would happen.

Sorry my rant and flame… But when I see people saying things like “I am going elsewhere” over a less than 24 hour delay… yeesh…

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