Goplan 2 update schedule

Fred Oliveira on June 18, 2009, Comments (4)

As some of you might have noticed, we’ve been introducing small updates and changes to Goplan 2 since we launched, mostly based on your (both awesome and very welcome) feedback. Now that things are running smoothly, we’re considering an update schedule moving forward. From now on, we’ll be doing bi-monthly updates to Goplan with new features (or feature updates) as well as the ongoing bug-fixes (should there be any).

Coming June 29: The first of these functionality updates is coming on Monday, the 29th of June, where among other things (for which we don’t want to ruin the surprise already) we’ll be updating our milestone functionality quite a bit, making it easier for project managers to assign tasks to given milestones and manage them effectively. The second of these updates will be coming 2 weeks later, and so on.

We’ll be using this blog more often to tell you about both small and large updates to Goplan 2, as well as share some of the tips and tricks that users much like you have been sending in. Do send us email if you have any feedback, we are extremely happy about everything we’ve been hearing. We hope you’re happy about the product as much as we are. Coming next week: hints on future functionality.


I can’t begin to describe how much I love this software! Any thoughts on building an iPhone app? If not… we would love to see an API, so that we could do it then!

Keep up the awesome work!


[...] requests and improvements that we’ve been tackling week after week (as we’ve mentioned before). We’re really proud of where Goplan is going, and we hope you are too. As always, we welcome [...]

i’m looking at goplan2 — don’t see milestones ?

what am i missing?

Milestones can be seen inside each project, on the side menu of the Project Home.

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