Yay! Goplan 2 Roadmap
I know a lot of you have been waiting for news about the next iteration of Goplan for quite a long time - we’ve done a poor job of telling you what we’re working on as of late. So to hopefully make all of that better, we’ve just launched our Goplan 2 roadmap. The roadmap has details on everything you can expect from the upcoming version of Goplan.
We’re going to keep the roadmap updated with both our progress as well as sneak peaks at what is coming soon. Naturally we’ll still make blog posts about these changes, but the roadmap should give you a really good idea of what’s going on at any point in time. We’re even considering adding real-time commit information to it, that would give you real-time info about who’s working on what, and what changes are being pushed to the live servers, as well as the new Goplan 2 code-base.
More changes
We’re also changing a few things here and there around the site and blog. We’re discontinuing the forum and moving some of the feedback discussions over to Get Satisfaction, because they provide a really great platform for you guys to suggest features and start discussions about the product. You may also note that we’re solving the domain name mess. We’re going to move everything into the new goplanapp.com domain (you should be seeing this blog on the new domain as well). Pretty soon we’ll move the application from goplan.org into goplanapp.com as well, something we’ve been wanting to do for a while.
Please check the roadmap and see what we’re doing and thinking, and if you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions about Goplan, the upcoming Goplan 2 or ourselves, add them to Get Satisfaction! Thanks, and we’ll be back with posts with extended details on every change to goplan throughout the week.
Comment by Vivara — September 2, 2008 @ 4:29 pm