Goplan 2 status updates

Fred Oliveira on January 28, 2009, Comments (5)

Since you might not visit Goplan’s support page at GetSatisfaction often, I’m copying my answer (written a few minutes ago) to a post by Chris Basey (thanks for posting, Chris!) about the status of Goplan 2. In this topic over at Get Satisfaction, Chris asks if we have abandoned Goplan 2 and why we haven’t been updating our blog often with news about it. Here is my answer, transcribed from the topic at Get Satisfaction:

Chris, we haven’t abandoned Goplan 2. There’s people using the beta, and we’re working day in and day out (it’s 3:30AM where I am, and I’m working on it). I definitely understand your frustration and I am sorry if we’re letting you down with the lack of posts about what’s coming.

However it is only because we have so much going on right now that we’d rather work on it now, and talk about it when we really have something special to show a wider audience. Now, since that doesn’t mean much considering how long you’ve all been waiting, here’s what we’re going to do to remedy this situation:

  • We’ll post updated screenshots from the application to both ask for feedback and give you a sense of how the product is shaping.
  • We’ll do (at least) bi-weekly status updates, starting tomorrow, about how things are going. I’m not just saying this, we’ll really do it.
  • We’ll work towards having a free open beta of Goplan2 running in a few weeks. To be completely honest, I don’t think we’re ready for all the people who want in just yet - but we’re getting there quickly.

All this being said, I do want to apologize if you feel like we haven’t been communicating as effectively as we could. We’ll make it up to everybody in the next few days and weeks, and rest assured, we’re making sure Goplan 2 is worth the wait.

Final thoughts

I know we haven’t been delivering as we promised. Many of you are looking for updates and the assurance that Goplan 2 is coming in fast. We’ll make it up to you, starting right now. If there’s anything, apart from what I already said we will do (the bi-weekly status updates, more screenshots and a public beta), that you believe we should be doing, let us know - through the comments here, or at GetSatisfaction. Your feedback is really important to us, particularly now that we’re getting close to the new version.


[...] promised, we’re going to do a series of posts covering the functionality and experience of some of the [...]

Talk is cheap lets see some results - think you have missed the boat to be honest but….

“We’ll do (at least) bi-weekly status updates, starting tomorrow, about how things are going. I’m not just saying this, we’ll really do it.”

I hate to be a prick, but… What Happened?

This really doesn’t bode well for the Image of this Company/endeavor in my mind, and I’d assume, the general user-base.

Sorry to call you out.

You did well calling us out. Just yesterday we replied to a comment on the latest post saying we do have lots of new stuff but were planning a new post for today. We’re writing it right now ;-)

Hello. And Bye.

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